My goals for mentoring process

We made a mentoring plan to our mentoring process and one of the main aspects was that the mentees would get the some picture of the education system in Finland. The visits to our work places would hopefully give some information how we can use the learning of these Edutool-studies in our work.

My first goal for mentoring process is that we truly can show the actual education system in Finland by visiting the different kind of schools. We are going to get a picture different kinds of levels we have in our education system and only but mine workplace are visited during the mentoring process. My workplace is a bit far away from Oulu and I introduced my workplace in the meeting what we had in January. I hope that the mentees have some kind of thought the role of the Universities of Applied Sciences have in education system.

I think we have a good plan for mentoring process and that helps to achieve the goals. My second goal is that we can show how we are using the learning of these studies in our work and how different kind of learning themes can develop our workplaces. We are also familiarized to different kind of learning environments and hopefully we can see how these environments can increase collaboration, new learning experiences and joy to learn.

My last goal is that we learn to know our mentees and their get to know us mentors so we can have good conversation during our meetings (both face to face and online). Feeling of trust is important during this process!

Kategoria(t): Mentoring Avainsana(t): , . Lisää kestolinkki kirjanmerkkeihisi.

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