Learning of expertise, visiting Virpi’s workplace 25.1.2013

Beginning of January we had the first of our visits to the Edutool-student’s working places. We had an opportunity to visit Virpi’s working place in the Extension School of the University of Oulu. Mr Esa Niemi introduced to us what kind of activities and services the Extension School has. Continuing education and life-long learning have a great importance in our life and it is important that there are some organizations which can offer some replication to these needs.

After the introduction to the Extension School we divided to our mentor groups and us, team Ilmalämpöpumppu, had an opportunity to learn more about Virpi’s work. The mentees has whished that they would like to know how technology can be used in the teaching and especially what kind of tool the Moodle is. Virpi told to us what kind of technologies she uses in the work and how they plan and teach the courses. The content of the work is quite a multifaceted and the workers should have different kind of expertise to handle to tasks.

The master thesis of these Edutool-studies is one of the subjects what was also interest of our mentees and we had an opportunity to hear some experience of thesis process. Virpi’s workmate, Kristiina Simojoki, introduced her master thesis to us and what kind of process she did have.

Antti Peltonen introduced some basic principles of online learning in the Extension School courses. They had planned carefully what kind of phases the online courses should have and what are the functions of these phases. The phases of the online courses are planning, production, implementation and evaluation.

After these presentations we had a fruitful discussion about these different kind of technologies what we can use in our education and what are the aspects what we have to take consider if we are going to use these technologies. Finally we discussed about the next task we had planned to our mentees. They were going to get familiar to our Finnish education system and compare that to system of their home countries. We mentors are also going to learn a lot of new information how the learning opportunities are arranged in elsewhere!

Kategoria(t): Mentoring Avainsana(t): . Lisää kestolinkki kirjanmerkkeihisi.

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