Learning of Expertise; starting the mentoring process…

It was time to start the second case in the Learning of Expertise course. Us, the Edutool student’s, are going to be mentors to the LET-students who started their Master’s program in this fall. It is a little bit confusing to be a mentor when I feel that I don’t enough knowledge about these studies. But I do have some kind of experience and thoughts after one year studies. And I do have some kind of experience of working life and how to utilize our studies in that environment. Maybe that is a start to this mentoring process…

We started to plan our mentoring process with Edutool’s students (in my group there are Timo, Harri and Virpi). We created some kind of “loose” mentoring plan with a good beginning so we hopefully create a warm and confidence atmosphere on the first meeting. Let’s see what happens…

Kategoria(t): Mentoring Avainsana(t): , , . Lisää kestolinkki kirjanmerkkeihisi.

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