Päivittäinen arkisto: 3 joulukuun, 2012

Let’s meet the LET-students…

It is a new beginning… I have thought a different kind of aspects about how to be a good mentor. That is not a simple function. I have been once in my life a mentor about eight years ago. There … Lue loppuun

Kategoria(t): Mentoring | Avainsanat: , , , | Kommentoi

Learning of Expertise; starting the mentoring process…

It was time to start the second case in the Learning of Expertise course. Us, the Edutool student’s, are going to be mentors to the LET-students who started their Master’s program in this fall. It is a little bit confusing … Lue loppuun

Kategoria(t): Mentoring | Avainsanat: , , | Kommentoi